The standing committee of the Episcopal Church in Colorado writes about its decision to remove the Rev. Canon Michael Pipkin from the slate in its bishop’s election scheduled for Oct. 27:
In the last several days, we have received reports of serious personal, professional, and vocational issues involving the Rev. Canon Michael Pipkin. Because we recognize that these complaints are serious, and because they cannot be resolved prior to our October 27 election, the Standing Committee voted unanimously on August 29 to remove him from consideration in the upcoming election for the 11th Bishop of Colorado.
As these changes in our discernment and election process have unfolded, we have been in close communication with Canon Pipkin’s bishop [the Rt. Rev. Brian Prior of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota] as well as with Bishop Todd Ousley, who works for the Presiding Bishop and provides oversight and guidance for all episcopal elections. These allegations have been referred to them for further action under the provision of the Episcopal Church’s canons.
Further, we have decided unanimously to proceed with our election with two nominees on the slate—the Reverend Kimberly D. Lucas and the Reverend Canon Ruth Woodliff-Stanley. Both nominees have reaffirmed their enthusiastic desire to continue with us as we seek our next bishop.