The Rt. Rev. Paul Lambert has been named chaplain of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Bishop Lambert was introduced June 20 during the brotherhood’s National Council meeting in Irving, Texas. He succeeds Bishop Keith Whitmore of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.
“We’re honored Bishop Lambert will be our spiritual leader,” Brotherhood President said Robert Dennis, the brotherhood’s president. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew has more than 4,000 members in 390 Episcopal and Anglican churches in the United States and thousands more worldwide. “I’m looking forward to working with him to further the Brotherhood’s goal of bringing men and youth to Jesus Christ.”
Bishop Lambert is a life member of the brotherhood. “Always remember your story,” Bishop Lambert told Brothers, who are dedicated to bringing Jesus Christ to men and boys. “If you do that, nothing can stop the brotherhood. Remember: Jesus started with just 12 men.”
Lambert was elected seventh Bishop Suffragan of Dallas in March 2008. For the previous six years he was the Rt. Rev. James M. Stanton’s canon. For 15 prior years he was rector of St. James’ Church in Texarkana, Texas.
Born in Reno, Nevada, Lambert attended Nashotah House Theological Seminary, completing his master’s of divinity in May 1975. Two days later he married Sally Lynne Nicholls before moving to his first cure at St. Paul’s Church in Modesto, California, and St. Matthias’ Church in Oakdale. The family then moved to Taft, California, where Lambert served as vicar of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. Two years later, he was called as a curate at Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas.
In 1978, Bishop Lambert was called as rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Great Bend, Kansas, and later yoked St. Mark’s Church in Lyons, Kansas. After three years he was called as an assistant for Holy Nativity Episcopal Church in Plano, Texas — and has stayed in Texas ever since. From there he was called as rector of St. James’ Church in Texarkana in 1987, serving there until 2002.
Bishop Lambert and Sally have three children: Twins Claire and Rebecca, and Megan Elizabeth. They have four grandchildren.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew from EDOD on Vimeo.