The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff, Bishop Suffragan and Ecclesiastical Authority, writes to members of the Diocese of Virginia:
We as people of faith, no matter what our race, gender or ethnicity, promise in our baptismal vows to respect the dignity of every human being. We also know the power of confession, so much so that we engage in the practice regularly. This current scandal provides us an opportunity to examine not only the lives of our political leaders, but to take a close look at our own lives. When have we done or said things that have diminished the dignity of others? In what activities have we engaged that were once accepted, but never acceptable? This scandal invites us to confess the ways we have fallen short of the image of God that is in us and to repent, to turn around and act in a different way.
The political realities of this current moment in our Commonwealth are complex, but our faith response is not. Out of our own confession and repentance, we can call for the repentance of our leaders. Above all, we can and must pray for them, for ourselves, for all who are hurt in any way by this scandal, and for the coming Kingdom of God in which God’s dream of oneness for all humanity will finally be realized.