Presiding Bishop Michael Curry urges help for people suffering in the wake of Hurricane Harvey:
Long ago the prophet Malachi taught that we are all children of God by virtue of our creation by the same God. “Have we not all one father? Has not one God created us?” he asked (2:10). Jesus taught the same thing when he told a story about a Good Samaritan. We are indeed all the children of God. And if we are all God’s children, then we are all brothers and sisters.
In our recent days, we have watched and witnessed the devastation in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Our brothers and sisters in Texas and Louisiana need our help.
Episcopal Relief & Development reminds us not to send food, clothing or other items because affected dioceses have limited or no capacity to receive, store or distribute goods. It is more efficient and better for the local economy to make a donation.
As our fellow Episcopalians minister to those in need they need our help not just now or in the short term, but for the long haul. Our support of Episcopal Relief & Development is a tangible, practical, effective and reliable way to do that. Keep in your prayers for the people in Texas and Louisiana whose lives have been forever changed by Hurricane Harvey.
Together we are the human family of God and our efforts in times like these truly help bring God’s love and ours to our sisters and brothers in great need.
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Episcopal Relief & Development has actions in place for assistance.
- To donate to the Hurricane Harvey Response Fund to support impacted dioceses as they meet the needs of their most vulnerable neighbors after this event, check here.
- Sign-up on the Ready to Serve database to register as a possible volunteer in the future. Episcopal Relief & Development staff share these lists with dioceses when they are ready to recruit external volunteers.
- Bulletin insert for use this Sunday is available here.
- The latest Episcopal Relief & Development program updates are available on Facebook and Twitter @EpiscopalRelief and its website.
- Check the Episcopal Church website,, for updates and important information.