General Convention’s online list of Blue Book reports grows week by week in preparation for the triennial gathering, which begins in late June.
General Convention’s website says that all reports “will be posted by early May 2015, which is approximately when Blue Book reports were distributed in past trienniums.”
This is a list of all reports posted thus far, sorted by name. All reports are in PDF.
- Executive Council (3/5/15)
House of Bishops Ecclesiology Committee
(Two reports posted at Episcopal Café and hosted by the Society of Archbishop Justus)
- A Primer on the Government of the Episcopal Church and its Underlying Theology
- Re-Membering and Re-Imagining: Essays on the Episcopal Church
House of Deputies
- Committee on the State of the Church (3/6/15)
Joint Standing Committees
- Nominations (3/20/15)
- Planning and Arrangements (3/27/15)
- Program, Budget and Finance (3/27/15)
Standing Commissions
- Anglican and International Peace with Justice Concerns (3/27/15)
- Communication and Information Technology (12/15/14)
- Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations (3/27/15)
- Health (3/27/15)
- Lifelong Christian Formation and Education (3/27/15)
- Liturgy and Music (3/19/15)
- Small Congregations (3/27/15)
Task Forces
- Study of Marriage (2/2/15)
- Reimagining the Episcopal Church (12/16/14)