The Rev. David Ould, senior associate minister at St John’s Anglican Cathedral in Sydney, reports that charges have been dropped against bishops who attended the consecration of Andy Lines as a bishop:
The Registrar of the Appellate Tribunal has written to all Diocesan Bishop, Administrators and Chancellors to report that the Primate’s previous referral of Bishops Davies, Condie and Nelson for their attendance at the ACNA consecration has now been discontinued.
We had reported previously on the referral, and particularly on the timing immediately prior to General Synod. There had also been disquiet over the referral being announced prior to the subjects of the referral being notified. Readers of will also note that a number of those bishops who made the original appeal citing “fundamental questions of ecclesiology” and potential breach of canons are those who have also been most vocal in advocating for a change in the national church’s position on marriage. Perhaps this was one topic during the “mediated conversation.”
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