The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, 10th Bishop of Atlanta, spoke recently with Dennis O’Hayer of NPR affiliate WABE.
Wright discussed his role as the first African American bishop of Atlanta, the Episcopal Church’s rite for blessing same-sex couples, the gospel (“The issue of God is the most to me; “I think we’ve got to talk about God more”), racial profiling and decriminalizing traffic offenses, and Georgia’s proposed personhood amendment, which he supports, while also “respecting people’s right to choose.”
“As someone who was adopted personally and as someone who has adopted, I am grateful, in a profound way, that … my mother, my biological mother, brought me to term, and gave me the opportunity to live the life that I have lived,” he said. “I am grateful to God for that.”
The bishop said the personhood amendment also should shape Georgians’ thinking about the death penalty and care for the elderly.
The interview appears in two parts, and in both cases the station offers a broadcast version and an expanded version. Part One is here. Part Two is here.
Dennis O’Hayer interviews Bishop Robert C. Wright at his diocesan office. Photo by Don Plummer/Diocese of Atlanta