Adapted from a release by the Episcopal Church’s Office of Public Affairs
The Episcopal Church Office of Finance has issued a mid-year report on diocesan commitments.
N. Kurt Barnes, treasurer and chief financial officer, announced that all Episcopal dioceses located in the United States and nearly all non-domestic dioceses have committed to the church’s 2014 budget, adding that:
- 42 dioceses have committed to the full 19 percent asking level adopted by General Convention in 2012
- 39 dioceses are contributing between 10 percent and 19 percent
- Commitments have been received from all but one diocese
“The commitments from the dioceses for 2014 total $26.8 million,” Barnes said. “The revised budget assumed $25.8 million. We are especially thankful for those dioceses that are able to make commitments at the full 19 percent asking level established by a vote of the General Convention, and we appreciate those dioceses that are striving to increase their commitments each year.”