The Rt. Rev. Dan Edwards, Bishop of Nevada, writes to members of his diocese:
When the bishop’s chair is vacated suddenly, for whatever reason, the interval between bishops is challenging. No matter how able the Standing Committee and Provisional Bishop may be, there is a period when authority is a little scattered and uncertain. It then takes the new bishop time to resolve the irregularities that invariably arise. I intend to stay fully engaged and serve the Diocese of Nevada faithfully until the day your next bishop takes office. But beginning now, I will also be holding the space for the Diocese to prepare to elect my successor.
I have asked the Standing Committee to form a Search Committee with a view toward electing a new bishop in October 2018 to take office in 2019. The Search Committee’s work will begin by exploring the identity and mission of the Diocese. That identity and mission will be summarized in the Profile. Potential candidates for the election and the voting delegates will read that Profile. The identity and mission discernment stage is crucial not just to inform the candidates but also to help the Diocese know itself and hear God’s call.
Next, the Search Committee will receive names of candidates and select finalists for an election. We are in a strong position to attract good candidates. I am confident you will have your choice of some outstanding candidates for 11th Bishop of Nevada.