Adapted from the Katrina’s Dream website
What organizers are calling a “Herstoric March on Women’s Equality Day” will begin just after 8 a.m. Thursday at St. Stephen and the Incarnation Church in Washington, D.C.
The Rt. Rev. Joe Morris Doss, retired Bishop of New Jersey, will bless those participating in the march. The marchers will accompany Helene de Boissiere Swanson for the final four miles of her 7,000-mile pilgrimage to the U.S. Capitol to promote the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.
The four-mile route will pass the White House and proceed to the Upper Senate Park at National Mall, where feminists and human rights activists will hold a press conference at noon, and then rally for the ERA at 1 p.m.
The press conference will include a written statement by Presiding Bishop and Primate Katharine Jefferts Schori.
On Aug. 28 several groups are coordinating a lobbying effort on behalf of S.J. Res 15 and H.J. Res 51.
Swanson, an aspirant for the priesthood of the Church of North India, cofounded Katrina’s Dream in memory of her late mother-in-law, the Rev. Katrina Martha Van Alstyne Welles Swanson. Katrina was one of 11 women irregularly ordained to the priesthood in 1974.
The 15 non-ratifying states, in the order Swanson has walked through them, are Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.