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Immigration Order Fallout

Sarah Pulliam Bailey writes for The Washington Post:

One of the nine organizations that works with the United [Nations’] refugee program announced Wednesday it will lay off about 140 staff and close five offices that have resettled more than 25,000 refugees.

In a statement, evangelical relief and development agency World Relief called the decision “a direct result of the recent decision by the Trump Administration” citing President Trump’s executive order that reduced the number of refugees the United States will admit.

… The U.S. Refugee Resettlement program combines partial funding from the federal government to cover the costs of resettling new refugees with money raised by nonprofit agencies. Most of the agencies are religious, including World Relief and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which raise funding from donors and churches and organize volunteers.

For instance, the Episcopal Migration Ministries was expecting $14.2 million from the U.S. State Department and $6.2 million from the Department of Health and Human Services, according to spokesperson Kendall Martin, and they are working to raise private support. On Feb. 8, Martin said, the Episcopal Church’s executive council gave the agency $500,000 to provide a financial bridge during Trump’s ban.

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