Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry released a video statement today regarding the majority decision at the 2016 Primates’ Meeting to partially suspend the Episcopal Church from certain privileges within the Anglican Communion.
“This is not the outcome we expected, and while we are disappointed, it’s important to remember that the Anglican Communion is really not a matter of structure and organization,” Curry said. He explained that the Anglican Communion is a network of mission and relationship — and that it will move forward as such.
While Curry acknowledged the pain this decision brings to some in the church, he emphasized that the Episcopal Church continues to be a part of the Anglican Communion. “We are the Episcopal Church, and we are part of the Jesus Movement, and that Movement goes on, and our work goes on. And the truth is, it may be part of our vocation to help the Communion and to help many others to grow in a direction where we can realize and live the love that God has for all of us, and we can one day be a church and a Communion where all of God’s children are fully welcomed, where this is truly a house of prayer for all people,” Curry said.
View the complete statement or read the transcript at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/posts/publicaffairs/episcopal-church-presiding-bishop-and-primate-michael-curry-actions-anglican