Zachary Guiliano writes at the Anglican Theological Review’s website:
As part of its “Conversation on Marriage and the Church,” the Anglican Theological Review solicited three responses to the paper “Marriage in Creation and Covenant: a Response to the Task Force on the Study of Marriage,” by John Bauerschmidt, Wesley Hill, Jordan Hylden, and me. As one of its authors, I would like to begin by thanking the three respondents, Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski, Scott MacDougall, and Kathryn Tanner, for their substantive comments. This sort of dialogue on marriage is all too rare.
I want to acknowledge the substantive character of the issues raised by our respondents, not least those that we did not address in our first essay. Of course, we could not say everything all at once, and we have begun the project Fully Alive: Love, Marriage, and the Christian Body to explore a great variety of issues. I can only ask for patience and continued help or engagement, as we engage in these tasks. At the same time, it seems necessary to reply on some matters, not least because our respondents have asked questions.
Read the rest. The full exchange is on this ATR page.
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