If you’re like me, you pick your books to read in one of only three ways: while idly walking around a bookstore (intentionally or accidentally), via recommendations from friends, or through consulting lists from sources you already read, like newspapers, magazines, or blogs.
At Covenant, we get a lot of questions about what we’re reading, or books that we would recommend on particular topics, so it seemed useful to provide a list from a number of our authors. Warning: This is long! But there may be something here for everyone.
John Bauerschmidt
- L.S. Thornton, The Common Life in the Body of Christ (1950)
Jeff Boldt
- L.S. Thornton, Richard Hooker: A Study in His Theology (1924)
- L.S. Thornton, The Incarnate Lord: An Essay Concerning the Doctrine of the Incarnation in Its Relation to Organic Conceptions (1928)
- “Since I’m a new father, my personal reading is sporadic. But I do watch a lot of YouTube lectures. Do these count?”
Dane Boston
- Herman Melville, Moby Dick (1879)
- Trading and Thriving in Godliness: The Piety of George Swinnock, ed. by J. Stephen Yuille (2008)
Will Brown
- Alexander Boob, Alchemy and Mysticism (1997)
- Donald Leal & Vishwanie Maharaj, Evolving Approaches to Managing Marine Recreational Fisheries (2009)
- Walker Percy, Signposts in a Strange Land (1992)
Mark Clavier
- Rob Chernow, Alexander Hamilton (2005)
- Pope Francis, Laudato Sí (2015)
- Rowan Williams, On Augustine (2016)
Tony Clavier
- Paul Avis, The Search for Authority: Anglican Theological Methods from the Reformation to the Enlightenment (2014)
- Candle Robb, the Owen Archer series
- Linda Woodhead and Andrew Brown, That Was the Church That Was: How the Church of England Lost the English People (2016)
Charlie Clauss
- George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 5 (2011)
- Charles Taylor, A Secular Age (2007)
Caleb Congrove
- Plato’s Phaedrus (and some academic works on it; see my recent post)
- Edward Oakes, A Theology of Grace in Six Controversies (2015)
Zachary Guiliano
- Andrew Davison et al., Amazing Love: Theology for Understanding Discipleship, Sexuality and Mission (2016)
- Hans Urs von Balthasar, Truth is Symphonic (1987)
- John W. O’Malley, What Happened at Vatican II? (2008), and some lesser works on Vatican II’s reception and 20th-century Roman Catholicism more broadly.
- Alexander Schmemann, For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy (1963)
- Wesley Hill, Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality (2010)
- Comic books: I’m enjoying 1990s stuff, after a recent rummage through my old collection; things like Superboy, spinoffs like Young Justice, occult/supernatural comics like Ghost Rider, Dr. Strange, and Morbius the Living Vampire
Benjamin Guyer
- Michael Houellebecq, Submission (2015)
- Thomas Piketty, The Economics of Inequality (2015)
- Thomas R. Martin, Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times (2013)
- Comic book: Batman Vol. 8: Superheavy
Wesley Hill
- Christopher Bollas, When the Sun Bursts (2016)
- Garrard Conley, Boy Erased: A Memoir (2016)
- The monks of New Skete, The Art of Raising a Puppy (2011)
- Thomas Joseph White, OP, The Incarnate Lord: A Thomistic Study in Christology (2015)
- Luther, Lectures on Galatians (1535)
Jody Howard
- Helen Cameron and Catherine Duce, Research Practice in Ministry and Mission (2013)
- John Swinton and Helen Mowat, Practical Theology and Qualitative Research (2006)
- John Chrysostom on Galatians (and other Church Fathers on the same)
Jordan Hylden
- Rose Macaulay, The Towers of Trebizond(1956), which I reviewed recently.
Sam Keyes
- Susan Howatch, Glittering Images (1987)
- Susan Howatch, Glamorous Powers (1988)
- Rose Macaulay, The Towers of Trebizond (1956)
- Anonymous 12th-century treatise, Speculum de mysteriis ecclesiae
Richard Kew
- Diana Gabaldon, Voyager, Volume 3 in the Outlander series (1993)
- Jean Edward Smith, FDR (2007)
- Joseph L. Mangina, Revelation, Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (2010)
Jean Meade
- Armstrong Sperry, Call It Courage (1940)
Mark Michael
- Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire (1968)
- Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job
Mother Miriam, CSM
- Emma Donoghue, Room (2010). Recently reviewed on Covenant by Hannah Matis.
- Hans Urs von Balthasar, Cosmic Liturgy: The Universe According to Maximus the Confessor (First English edition: 2003)
- Maximus the Confessor, Ambigua
- Victor Lyle Dowdell, Aristotle and Anglican Religious Thought (1942)
Neal Michell
- Bernard Cornwell, Waterloo (2015)
- F. Bruce, The Canon of Scripture (1988)
- Dev Patnaik, Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy (2008)
Jonathan Mitchican
- Michael Chabon, The Yiddish Policemen’s Union (2007)
- Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ (ca. 1427)
- Comic books: Red Sonja, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman
- Blogs: Mockingbird
Bryan Owen
- Thom Rainer, Autopsy of a Deceased Church (2016)
Andrew Petiprin
- Yuval Levin, The Fractured Republic: Renewing America’s Social Contract in an Age of Individualism
Sarah Puryear
- Rosamunde Pilcher, September (1990)
- John Henry Newman, Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864)
Bruce Robison
- Bernard Cornwell, The Last Kingdom (2006). Recently serialized.
- Iain M. Duguid and Richard B. Gaffin, Seeing Christ in All of Scripture: Hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary (2016)
- John Calvin, The Institutes of the Christian Religion
Christopher Wells
- Hilary Mantel, Bring Up the Bodies (2013)
Paul Wheatley
- Henry Miller, The Colossus of Maroussi (1958)
- T. Wright, Paul and the Faithfulness of God (2013)
- Eugene Peterson, Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer (1991)
Clint Wilson
- Eugene Vodolazkin and Lisa Hayden, Laurus (2015)
- Leigh Eric Schmidt, Consumer Rites: The Buying and Selling of American Holidays (1997)
Christopher Yoder
- Austin Farrer, A Faith of Our Own (1960)
- Jan Morris, The Oxford Book of Oxford (1978)
The featured image comes via Rachel Leow’s collection “Bookporn.”