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From the Archives: Paschal Mystery

As we, with Jesus, set our faces toward Jerusalem this Holy Week so that we may “enter with joy upon the contemplation of those mighty acts whereby [God] has given us life and immortality…through Jesus Christ” (BCP, 270), this meditation upon the paschal mystery drawn from our archives sets an appropriate tone. May it serve for the building up of Christ’s Church.


John Bauerschmidt
John Bauerschmidt
The Rt. Rev. John Bauerschmidt is the 11th Bishop of Tennessee. A native of South Carolina, he was consecrated bishop in 2007, having previously served parishes in Western Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Louisiana. He served in the Church of England from 1987 to 1991, and holds a D.Phil. in theology from Oxford University, where Oliver O’Donovan supervised his work. He has a continuing interest in the early Church (especially Augustine, the subject of his doctoral thesis), as well as in 17th-century Anglicanism. He owes an abiding debt to the Oxford Movement for his spiritual formation. Bishop John is married to Caroline, and they are the parents of three children.


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