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Covenant videos on YouTube

From Anglican Communion News Service:

Members of the Anglican Communion with Internet access can now watch three videos produced by the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity Faith and Order (IASCUFO) in which its members speak about the Covenant.

In one, members from Provinces including England, the West Indies, Central Africa and Southern Africa explain why they consider the Covenant important for the Communion.

In another the Rt. Rev. Kumara Ilangasinghe, recently retired Bishop of Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, shares his thoughts on the value of accountability.

In the third, members share their thoughts about the sections of the Covenant.

They were filmed by Simon Oliver, a member of IASCUFO who teaches at the University of Nottingham. A subgroup of the commission, which is overseeing the reception process for the Anglican Communion Covenant, decided to make them when the commission was meeting in Seoul, Korea, in December. They wanted to present the Covenant using the members of the commission as they come from such a diverse range of people from around the Communion.

The videos were produced and edited by Jonny Perry Jennings and IASCUFO member Bishop Victoria Matthews of Christchurch, New Zealand.


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