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Christ The Tree

By Graham Kings

Roots of Christ, deep and wide:
Abraham’s Seed, prophesied Prophet,
David’s Son, Suffering Servant, Son of Man,
Delving the depths.

Trunk of Christ, sturdy and strong:
Apostolic throughout the ages,
Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal,
Raising the heights.

Branches of Christ, expansive, extensive:
Catholic throughout the world,
Asian, European, African, American,
Breathing the breadths.

Graham Kings
Graham Kings
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Graham Kings, in his retirement in Cambridge, is honorary assistant bishop in the Diocese of Ely and research associate at the the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide, which he founded in 1995. He has served as Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion; Bishop of Sherborne; and vicar of St. Mary’s Church, Islington, London, where he co-founded Fulcrum.


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