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A Hymn for Easter

Christ is risen, he has conquered
Now the stone is rolled away
Joseph’s tomb once more lies empty
At the dawn of Easter Day
Weeping women in the garden
Stare perplexed at what they find
For the corpse which they were seeking
Is the One whom death can’t bind

Christ is risen, he has conquered
Now to friends he must appear
Those who fled, denied, deserted
Broken men now filled with fear
Through locked doors he makes his entry
Risen body, pierced hands
“Peace be with you” is his greeting
As among them now he stands

Christ is risen, he has conquered
God has gained the victory
Over sin and powers of darkness
Which held captive you and me
Truth o’ercomes the great deceiver
Life defeats death’s lethal sting
Way of peace to us is opened
Through our resurrected King

Andrew Goddard
Andrew Goddard
Andrew Goddard is assistant minister at St. James the Less, Pimlico, London and tutor in Christian Ethics at Ridley Hall, Cambridge and Westminster Theological Centre.


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