When you come together to eat, wait for one another.
Covenant is the weblog of the Living Church Foundation, an independent, non-profit ministry seeking and serving the full visible unity of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Our writers are lay and ordained leaders who serve in parishes and dioceses, in schools, and in para-church ministries across the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and the wider body of Christ. Inspired by the fruitfulness of the ecumenical movement of the 20th century and compelled by love (2 Cor. 5:14–15), we acknowledge the accountability of the Anglican Communion and its churches to the Church Catholic and accept our own incompleteness, praying for ecclesial transformation in the way of the cross (Phil. 2:5–11; Rom. 15:1–7; M. Ramsey, The Gospel and the Catholic Church). We look for instruction in the Scriptures and pray for a share in Christ’s body and blood, grateful for God’s gracious discipline. We would “give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the Church of God” but rather “please everyone in everything,” so that God might be glorified and many may be saved (1 Cor. 10:32–33). Appropriating this teaching to our own churches and Communion, we support the Anglican Covenant (2009) and the ecclesial vision of The Windsor Report (2004; PDF), including its moratoria (§§ 134, 144, 155) as marks of interdependence and mutuality. “God has called us into communion in Jesus Christ” (see 1 Cor. 1:9), who reveals the divine life of God, shaped and displayed “through the very existence and ordering of the Church” (Anglican Covenant § 1). The universal call to a common faith and order inspires our service in the Church, in partnership with seminaries and in friendship with Christians across parties and opinions — Catholic, Protestant, liberal, conservative, evangelical, charismatic. Through conferences, consultations, and other initiatives, Covenant joins the Living Church Foundation in its work of reconciliation and renewal. We eat together as we “wait for one another” in the single body of the One whose blood is our new covenant (1 Cor. 11:33).
Historical Note
Covenant was founded by Craig Uffman and Christopher Wells and launched on Sept. 5, 2007. Covenant took its place within the ministry of the Living Church Foundation in late 2009. Zachary Guiliano served as Covenant’s editor from 2014-2019. Eugene Schlesinger started as editor from June 2019. An account of the first decade of the blog may be read here. Articles from 2007 to 2012 are normally available in our online archive, but it is currently being updated.