The July 12 edition of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers.
Our theme this issue is racial justice, and the cover image is from Asher Imtiaz’s photo essay from Minneapolis in the wake of the George Floyd murder.
Recently retired Minnesota Bishop Brian Pryor features prominently in G. Jeffrey MacDonald’s roundup of Episcopal support for protests, and the Rt. Rev. Craig Loya talks to Kirk Petersen about his eventful debut as the new Bishop of Minnesota.
Ignacio Gama and Kristen Gunn report on how the Diocese of Honduras copes with a pandemic in the midst of poverty.
The Church’s staff officer for social justice, Charlie Wynder, Jr., challenges all of us to address the dual pandemic of coronavirus and virulent racism.
Elisabeth Rain Kincaid provides a searing deconstruction of President Trump’s photo opp in front of a church, and calls on Christians to repent for enabling the appropriation of the house of the Lord.
In other news, Kirk Petersen covers the disciplinary hearing for the Bishop of Albany, William Love, the only diocesan bishop who still refuses to allow same-sex marriages.
Episcopal camps and conference centers are struggling to stay afloat financially, and G. Jeffrey MacDonald describes some of their innovative tactics.
In the Ethics column, Deonna D. Neal asks, “How does the Christian story provide us with the tools we need to stem the tide of gun violence in America?”
An editorial examines how muscle memory of the “greatest, gaping wound in our history,” slavery, continues to this day to afflict both oppressor and oppressed.
All this plus more news, book reviews, People & Places and Sunday’s Readings, from an independent voice covering the Episcopal and Anglican world since 1878. Consider subscribing today.
- Space and Support for Protest Gatherings
By G. Jeffrey MacDonald - Twin Challenges for Minnesota’s new Bishop
By Kirk Petersen
- Cash-Strapped Camps and Conference Centers
Get Creative | By G. Jeffrey MacDonald - Cry of the Wounded | Photos and essay by Asher Imtiaz
- The Earth Beneath Your Feet | Poem by Mari Chevako
- Breathing Life into a World of Injustice
By Charles Wynder, Jr. - Standing at the Doors of the House of the Lord
By Elisabeth Rain Kincaid
- Guns and the American Story | By Deonna D. Neal
- Norman Rockwell’s Social Realism | By Dennis Raverty
- Blood of the Black Christ, Shed for All
- Prophetic Preaching | Review by Charles Hoffacker
- Resisting Throwaway Culture and Faith in American
Public Life | Review by Nathaniel A. Warne
- Sunday’s Readings