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A Covenant of consideration

By John C. Bauerschmidt. Gathering is not simply a practical necessity for Christians: it is our vocation.

Make peace, not schism

By Michael Cover. "You shall not make schism, but make peace among those who are fighting" (Didache 4.3).

Choosing mutuality

By Alyson Barnett-Cowan. While it is true that the Communion’s language of “Covenant” was first used in The Windsor Report of 2004, the idea of having a comprehensive, coherent, agreed-upon understanding of how the Anglican family works has been around for a long time.

Eyeball-to-eyeball communion

Perhaps the Covenant is not perfect — no human invention ever will be. But it is more than good enough. It has the potential to work well, if we are committed to making it do so.

Families and accountability

By R. Mwita Akiri. We do not live in a world that allows us to confine ourselves within our own geographical, cultural and social contexts. The world we live in is a global village, and more than that, it has become a dot-com age. We have to relate with and to one another, within and outside our contexts.

Recognizably Anglican

By George R. Sumner. Mission must balance both adaptation and a careful guarding of what is authentically Christian.

Building on a solid foundation

By Ian Ernest. There is an urgency for all the stakeholders of this Communion to deal with the stranger within ourselves.

Committing unity to print

By David Richardson. What the Covenant has to offer the churches of the Communion is an instrument of unity and mission which, in good Anglican fashion, steers a middle path between centralism and juridical structures on the one hand and unfettered license and mutual irresponsibility on the other. But it does more.

Belonging together

By Geoffrey Rowell. All ecclesiology is about our belonging together, and our belonging together in Christ.

Catholicity outweighs autonomy

By Paul Avis. The future of the Anglican Communion is in jeopardy. The Anglican Covenant is the only credible proposal that I am aware of to help hold this family of churches together.


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