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Zac Koons

Do the Poor Really Need Us?

I wonder what you did the last time you won the panhandler-at-a-stoplight lottery. What tends to be your response? You’re the first car in...

From the Archives: A Blind Man’s Pentecost

As this week after the Pentecost draws to its close, I present a final archival reflection on the Holy Spirit, this one from Zac...

A Bronze Serpent Processional Cross

Yes, that’s a snake. A bronze serpent, actually — you know the story — set aloft on steel, which serves as the new Lenten...

The Christmas Story in Stone – The Nativity Façade of The Sagrada Familia

By Zac Koons Antoni Gaudi’s dream was to create a Bible out of stone, a dream that became — actually, is still becoming —  the...

The Advent Gospel of the Chicago Cubs

By Zac Koons Allow me to refresh your memory: It’s 2016, game seven of the World Series, bottom of the tenth inning. There are two...

Five Suggestions for Reopening Your Church

By Zac Koons It is a fascinating time to be planning worship. We have no pandemic playbook. We have been forced instead into improv...

The Pass the Peace Project

We need peace now more than ever, and we shouldn’t let our inability to gather in person keep us from passing it back and forth.

Approaching the End

This week’s readings for the Good Book Club’s journey through John’s Gospel move us ever-closer to the Gospel’s climax, and the end of Jesus’s earthly life and ministry.

God, Sex, and the Restless Hearts of Fleabag

Fleabag paints a nuanced portrait of the soul’s condition in the secular age.

A Blind Man’s Pentecost

How do we see God in a world where we no longer see Jesus?