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Richard Mammana

Richard Mammana is a lay church historian, author, beekeeper, father, husband, and communicant of S. Clement’s Church, Philadelphia. He serves as archivist of The Living Church Foundation and launched Anglicanhistory.org in 1999.

Librarian Anna James Works Within Christopher Wren’s Masterpiece

Anna James is a former cataloger at Lambeth Palace Library and Regent’s Park College, Oxford.

Bartholomew’s Care for All the Churches

Bartholomew writes in a consistent register that drives home his care for the well-being of all parts of the global community in a common family.

Brotherhood Elects Second Minister General

The Brotherhood of St. Gregory also recognized the retirement of its long-serving founder and minister general, Richard Thomas Biernacki.

Sanctoral Chaos and the Bollandists

I decided to walk my talk this Christmastide by making it to one church service on each of the happy Twelve Days: mostly the...

Community of St. John Baptist Marks 150 Years in U.S.

The sesquicentennial culminated in a Commemoration Day on June 15 with retired Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori as celebrant and preacher.

Saint Mark’s, Philadelphia, Celebrates 175 years

The most extensive and costly effort during the anniversary year was the Lady Chapel preservation effort, funded entirely by an anonymous donor and continuing through 2023 and 2024.

Eighty Years of Intercession in Philadelphia

The Shrine of Our Lady of Clemency was the brainchild of the towering 20th-century Anglo-Catholic leader Franklin Joiner.

New Life for Albany’s Guild House

A diverse group of stakeholders is organizing and raising funds to restore the long-vacant Memorial Guild House at Albany’s Cathedral of All Saints, empty and disused since 1978.

Bishop Justin Holcomb Addresses Sexual Abuse

“Safe Church initiatives matter to me and my wife deeply personally, professionally, and pastorally,” Bishop Justin Holcomb said. “Sexual abuse is a worldwide epidemic, and I do not use language of epidemic lightly.”

Canon Wright’s Prayer Books Find a Home

One of the largest private collections of the Book of Common Prayer is now available for scholarly use at Virginia Theological Seminary.