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Michael Cover

The Rev. Dr. Michael Cover is associate professor of theology at Marquette University. A graduate of Harvard, Yale, and the University of Notre Dame, he was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Dallas in 2010, and has served in multiple parishes in Indiana and Wisconsin.

Summering in Place

For those who travel, and for those who do not. It’s June, school is wrapping up, church programming is coming to a close, and with...

From the Archives: The Sound and the Spirit

In the wake of Pentecost, I'm dipping into our storied archive, presenting reflections upon the third person of the Trinity from years past, such...

Five-Letter Words: Christian Reflections on Why We Love Wordle and What It Tells Us About Ourselves

By Michael B. Cover One of the “fun” things to emerge out of this pandemic is Wordle. Created by Josh Wardle, a Welshman, for his...

Sancta Salus

By Michael B. Cover Twenty years from now, scholars of American civil religion — a term which covers everything from the Deism of the founding...

Oikos: Toward a Theology of Work

Using Christian principles to operate a home-improvement company.

Reading Luke’s Transfiguration: An Icon and a Lenten Manifesto

What is it that Peter, John, and James perceive when they follow Jesus up the mountain and enter into the silence of Tabor? Not “words” as they are wont to hear them, but speech, singular and purified.

An ‘Anglican Catholic’ case for the episcopacy

Part two of “Apologia episcoporum: Anglican Catholicism and the reformation of ecclesial order”

Apologia episcoporum

There are two principal ways of speaking of Anglo-Catholicism: as a matter of “taste,” and as a matter of truth.

The sound and the Spirit

Ascension and Pentecost represent two movements — the upward and the downward — of Luke’s “new Sinai,” the initiation and ratification of Christ’s new covenant.

Radner: Figuring Out Time

Radner's book on figural exegesis is a gift to the Church, and warrants serious, sustained attention by pastors and scholars alike.