A former parish priest argued that he neither broke his ordination vows nor violated church canons by engaging in a “Eucharistic fast” as a protest against the Episcopal Church’s complicity in white supremacy.
Following a significant shakeup in the industry, Watts appears to be coming out ahead. This summer, Watts announced its acquisition of former neighbor and competitor J. Wippell & Co.
Bishop Matthew Gunter: “Keeping our hearts supple toward neighbors, strangers, and enemies—supple toward those whose political choices baffle or offend us—is hard. But this is at the core of the Christian message and of Christian practice.”
The new Presiding Bishop preached a sermon based on the story of Lazarus in John 11:32-44, reflecting on the themes of finding life in the midst of death.
Pending further approval, the two will become the Diocese of the Susquehanna on January 1, 2026. The new name refers to the Susquehanna River, which flows through both of the dioceses.
The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter was installed as bishop on Saturday, October 5, during the inaugural convention of the new Diocese of Wisconsin, now a single entity comprising the former dioceses of Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, and Eau Claire.
“This is the worst flooding that we have seen and it’s the worst flooding that this structure will have seen,” said the Very Rev. Sarah Hurlbert, dean of Asheville's Cathedral of All Souls.
Vanderbilt offered few details about its plans, which are pending approval from various regulatory bodies, though the deal builds on the university’s existing presence in the city.