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Lauren Anderson-Cripps

Lauren Anderson-Cripps is TLC’s audience development editor and reports for the magazine and website.

New EDS Dean Seeks to Fill Gaps in Theological Education

An unaccredited seminary with neither buildings nor faculty — yet buttressed by an $80 million endowment — Episcopal Divinity School is determining what offering it will bring to the church in its current iteration, says new dean and president Lydia Kelsey Bucklin.

‘Making St. Peter’s a Great Church’: Adamses Complete 43-Year Ministry

Fr. Jim Adams: “We took two sabbaticals in the 43 years, and one led to us starting choirs and the other led to us starting the school.”

Almighty God

God is merciful beyond our wildest imaginations, and He takes sin seriously, often beyond the bounds of our comfort.

Crying from the Rooftops

In response, we see two different reactions: the people praise God for the miracle they’ve witnessed, while the leaders see it as a threat to be neutralized. Both responses show the power of the message. 


Daily Devotional • August 8 A Reading from Acts 4:1-12 1 While Peter and John were speaking to the people, the priests, the captain of the...

Lamb of God

John the Baptist had only known in part to whom he was pointing, and yet he faithfully took up the role of forerunner. Now, his work is complete: his disciples have rightly begun following the “Chosen One.”

Trusting in God

Daily Devotional • August 6 A Reading from 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 1 Therefore, since it is by God’s mercy that we are engaged in this ministry,...

Bound Together in Love

Anyone who has read through the rest of the book of Acts knows things will not stay this picturesque. Disagreements will fester, sowing seeds of division; leaders will diverge. Radical generosity will be tempered by the desire to store away for oneself a little nest egg.

Indescribable Gift

Daily Devotional • August 4 A Reading from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 6 The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and...

PB-Elect Chooses a Simpler Installation

The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe will be installed as the 28th Presiding Bishop in a “smaller, simpler” ceremony in the Episcopal Church Center's Chapel of Christ the Lord.