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Thomas Kincaid

The Rev. Thomas Kincaid serves as a Senior Program Officer at the Rees-Jones Foundation in Dallas, primarily funding international opportunities, as well as an Advisor with Cubit Capital, a mission-driven venture capital firm. Previously, he was Vice Rector at Church of the Incarnation from 2015 to 2022. Educated at Duke University Divinity School and Southern Methodist University, he is married to Dr. Elisabeth Rain Kincaid. They have two children.

Gratitude on Election Day

In the past two-plus years, it’s been my privilege to make multiple visits to over a dozen countries (predominantly in Africa). Most often in...

What Do Christians Make of Secular Christmas Ads?

I’m one of those people who thinks he doesn’t really enjoy all the secular, cheesy, mass-produced holiday frivolity. I’m a serious person, after all,...

The Presence of Immanuel

By Thomas Kincaid It’s Day 11 of Christmas. These twelve days are almost over. Certainly our secular lives have mostly come crushing back (despite the...

The Scarlet Thread and the Holy Cross

By Thomas Kincaid “And men, when you get in there, remember to look for the scarlet thread.” The promised fall of Jericho had been a long...

Sloth, Charity, and the Christmas “Pause”

By Thomas Kincaid Did you know that every year — every single one — New Year’s Day is exactly one week after Christmas Day? Of course...

Roundtable: Why I Write for Covenant (Thomas Kincaid)

Periodically, we like to take stock of our work and mission. How can Covenant best serve the Anglican Communion and wider Christian family? And...

Aretha Franklin: Gospel Preacher

August 16, the world lost one of the great preachers of the gospel.

‘I will redeem you’

What the Book of Ruth can teach about our prayers for the dead.

Solid and contrived piety: Michael O’Brien’s Father Elijah series

Catholic-minded friends recommended Michael O’Brien’s apocalyptic thrillers, Father Elijah and Elijah in Jerusalem, to me for years.

Limiting free speech? The Church’s response to pornography

"While the production and use of pornography has always been a problem, in recent years its impact has grown exponentially, in large part due to the Internet and mobile technology. Some have even described it as a public health crisis."