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Jeremy Worthen

The Rev. Dr. Jeremy Worthen is the Team Rector of Ashford in the Diocese of Canterbury. He previously worked in ministerial formation and in supporting national ecumenical and theological work.

God’s Words

Who are my enemies? Don’t worry — I’m not going to ask for a show of hands, or read a list of people you...

Nothing Is Stronger Than the Church

Last month, I was on holiday with my wife in Crete. The weather hadn’t been great — it rained most of the day soon...

Mission Under Pressure

"Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you’” (John 20:21). In the accounts...

Thomas Becket: Martyrdom at Christmas

For nearly seven years, I worked at the Church of England’s Council for Christian Unity, as part of the staff of the Archbishops’ Council....

Visible Communion between Churches

The following essay is excerpted from a chapter in When Churches in Communion Disagree, ed. Robert Heaney, Christopher Wells, and Pierre Whalon (Living Church...