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Jay Mullinix

Jim Thompson and the Killer Inside Us All

We prefer to think that evil is something “bad people” do, and that these bad people are easily recognizable. We see a mug shot on the news and say “Oh, he looks like a child molester, like a mass shooter, like a serial killer, like a bad person. Or as often as not today we think of evil as that perpetrated only by our political opposites. We describe such people as “inhuman” or “deplorable”, descriptors that gives us the relief of distance. The guise evil wears is, of course, always that of someone else.

Bishop Straight Tongue

Henry Benjamin Whipple – first Episcopal bishop of Minnesota, evangelist and defender of the Minnesota Indians, and the man who bent the ear of America’s greatest president to stop a mass execution.

Losing Anglicanism, and Finding Repentance

I am an Orthodox Christian, whose path through Anglicanism into Orthodoxy was hardly unique.

Discovering a Language of Prayer

The prayer book teaches me to pray what I ought to desire and believe, what is no less true even if I struggle to believe it or feel it today.