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Grace Sears

Dr. Grace Sears is past president of the Order of the Daughters of the King, and editor of its magazine, The Royal Cross.

TLC Requiem Mass: One in the Lord

We gather in a sacred space each year, remembering saints who are gone from us but alive to God

Daughters of the King Gather in Baltimore

The Order of the Daughters of the King met in Baltimore June 22-26 after being delayed for a year, as was General Convention, by...

From the Archives: At Least I Can Kneel

Ada Loaring-Clark wrote a weekly feature, “Churchwomen Today,” for The Living Church starting in 1933.

The blessing of confession

Some urge that confession be restricted to Lent in future liturgies. Yet to omit confession would also omit the great blessing we receive through the weekly challenge to confess, forgive, and be forgiven.

God Moved the Mountain

By Grace Sears • Ian and Simea Meldrum claimed a Brazilian garbage dump for the kingdom of God.

Power of Women’s Prayers

By Grace Sears • The Rev. Eleanor Sanderson: Group prayer by women “is one of the consistent expressions of the Church.”