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Mac Stewart

The Tears and the Embrace of Ecclesia Mater

Eusebius of Caesarea is well known for his highly optimistic appraisal of the Roman Empire’s turn — first, in toleration, then, in support —...

‘Blood of Christ, Inebriate Me’

By Mac Stewart  When I was a kid, I wasn’t so crazy about the date of my birth: April 29. It was toward the end...

Ignatian ‘Indifference’ and Spiritual Freedom

By Mac Stewart "The human mind and heart are a mystery; but God will loose an arrow at them, and suddenly they will be wounded”...

Fear and Love of God’s Holy Name

The grammatically ambiguous title of this volume gives a good indication of its goals. On the one hand, “fear of God,” a thematic touchstone...

Higher Living Through Lower Expectations

Dave Zahl persistently sings the song of grace for souls languishing under a weight of perceived expectations.

The Hidden Life of St. Charles of Jesus

By Mac Stewart At the end of his October 2020 Encyclical on “Fraternity and Social Friendship,” Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis referred to a figure (besides...

Throwback Thursday: Where are We Looking?

Recent events have (or should have) shaken many of us who call the church home. Ongoing revelations of abuse and its cover up. The...

Jerusalem the Golden

By Mac Stewart We should think about heaven more. Yes, I know: it’s important to avoid being so heavenly minded as to be no earthly...

Plumbing the Depths of Divine Compassion

The practice of “receptive ecumenism,” or the willingness to learn from other faith traditions, sometimes suffers from a reluctance about dogmatic commitments that makes...

Drawing Near at a Distance

By Mac Stewart I live as a guest in a Catholic religious community. Every Sunday evening, the community adores Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. At the...