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Victor Austin

The Rev. Victor Lee Austin, Ph.D. is theologian-in-residence for the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. He writes books and essays at the intersection of faith and everyday life.

End Road Work

They are welcome signs on a highway. After miles of slow traffic, driving on irregular and temporary pavement while the main road is being...

Singleness: Eschatological and Evangelical

The Meaning of Singleness: Retrieving an Eschatological Vision for the Contemporary Church By Danielle Treweek IVP Academic, 336 pages, $35 This important book by Danielle Treweek, a deacon...

Camino En Route

It was the drone overhead that did it. I’m walking alone on this particular stretch of the Camino when I hear an unusual buzzing...

Children and the Public Interconnectedness of Marriage

It is the teaching of the church over centuries that marriage is a union of a man and a woman, a union to extend...

I Was Wrong

By Victor Lee Austin The late Bishop Paul Moore of New York liked to describe the Episcopal Church as “the Catholic Church with freedom.” In...

Good Books and Good Talk

By Victor Lee Austin "Put the oil where the squeak is” can guide adult Christian education programs. What’s squeaking in 2023? In my view it...

Thinking About Death in Easter

By Victor Lee Austin Eastertide is a good time to think clearly about death, for the simple reason that in Christ’s resurrection everything about death...

Summing Up Benedict XVI

By Victor Lee Austin The earthly life of Pope Benedict XVI has come to an end and his body has been committed to its resting...

Celibacy and Full Humanity

We need a positive understanding of celibacy in terms of what it is, not in terms of what it isn’t.

Sin Thoughts

By Victor Lee Austin "The first thing to get straight is whether you believe there is such a thing as sin.” It was my initial meeting...