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Jon Jordan

Fr. Jon Jordan is Headmaster and Theology Department Chair at Coram Deo Academy of Dallas and serves as a Priest at Church of the Incarnation in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas.

Paideia for Preachers: Aristotle, the Sophists, and St. Paul

Editor's Note: This is a continuation of an earlier essay from Jon Jordan. “No man can give the impression that he himself is clever and that...

Paideia for Preachers: An Introduction

Peter Kreeft’s brilliant book The Best Things in Life imagines what would happen if Socrates were to visit a modern university campus. This short...

In Praise of the Beautiful Game

By Jon Jordan At the beginning of his excellent book about soccer, The Language of the Game, Laurent Dubois dedicates it “to all those who...

This Month Shall Be for You

Esther 9:20-10:3 By Jon Jordan A little over a month ago I finished reading Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. It is the first in a...

Artificial Intelligence Is No Substitute For Wisdom

By Jon Jordan In the world of technology, there is nothing new under the sun. That is not to say there is no innovation in...

Camino de Solo Dad

By Jon Jordan  I need to begin with a caveat: below I describe an experience that my own wife and countless others encounter on a very...

The Humanities: Antidote to Hot Takes

By Jon Jordan When we find ourselves in times of conflict, what we need and what we are tempted toward are often in a great...

Social Media That Doesn’t Shrink Your Soul?

By Jon Jordan There are lots of reasons to be wary of social media, and there is no shortage of opinions currently being published about...

On Forming Human Children, Part 1

By Jon Jordan If you encounter human children on a regular basis, you are doing the work of formation. A mark is left on them...

God’s Name and Ours

By Jon Jordan Ira Glass, host of NPR’s This American Life, shares a family story about his grandmother who became ill at the age of...