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Ellen Charry

Dr. Ellen Charry is the Margaret W. Harmon Emerita Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary.

First and Last

Unlike Isaiah, Jesus does not unpack who the characters point to in real life for his readers. But it and other passages give us clues. One is its last sentence, “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Questions of Obedience

Our Gospel this week has two quite different stories, and the first is relevant to the Jewish-Christian relationship that is our concern in this column.

Wheat, Weeds, and Us

A parable is a gentle rabbinic teaching tool that addresses people indirectly. Jesus primarily uses agricultural and economic metaphors.

Children of the God of Israel: Which Jesus?

Matthew 9:9-13 is a very busy five verses. It is two scenes, one superimposed on the other.

Fear and Division

John 20:19-23 is one of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances to his remaining 11 followers who had locked themselves in on the night of the Resurrection.

The Passion and Not Blaming the Jews

Children of the God of Israel Palm Sunday, the Liturgy of the Passion: Matthew 27:11-54 In reading the Gospels, it helps to keep several things in...