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Drew Nathaniel Keane

Dr. Drew Nathaniel Keane teaches English at Georgia Southern University.

A Biography as Dashing as its Subject

Dr. Drew Nathaniel Keane reviews Super-Infinite: The Transformations of John Donne.

Sunday Liturgy Without A Priest: Part Two (Morning Prayer and Antecommunion)

As increasing numbers of parishes are left without the services of a priest, decisions about how to celebrate the liturgy on Sundays loom ahead....

Sunday Liturgy Without A Priest: Part One (Communion by Extension)

Many parishes in the Episcopal Church lack the full-time services of a presbyter, a situation likely to continue for the foreseeable future. What should...

The Prayer Book as a Constitutional Document

Debate over Resolution A059 (Amend Article X of the Constitution of The Episcopal Church) has brought attention to a fundamental question for Episcopalians, namely,...

Coronavirus and Communion in One Kind

In response to the continued risks posed by COVID-19, many churches have restricted all communicants except the presider from reception of the sacramental wine....

Prayer in Time of Plague

The degree of physical adversity and suffering that was commonplace for our ancestors defies our imagination. We live on the other side of advances...

Constitutional Confusion

Recent Title IV proceedings against the Bishop of Albany, the Rt. Rev. William Love, expose a number of ambiguities in the Constitution and Canons...

‘Take, eat’: The Confusion of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

I fear Benediction is a practice that risks confusion and implies things that appear to run contrary to Anglican profession.

What is All Souls Day?

What do Anglicans believe about All Souls Day?

A Response to ACNA’s Proposed Prayer Book 2019

It’s important for Episcopalians to be aware of developments in the ACNA, especially as we contemplate the possibilities of comprehensive liturgical revision in our church.