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David Ney

The Rev. Dr. David Ney is a native of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, and a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada. He currently serves as associate professor of Church history at Trinity School for Ministry, in Ambridge, Pennsylvania.

Hope Is a Child

We're continuing our Natality series. Nestorius, David Ney writes, was the heresiarch of anti-natalism. He refused to accept a little child as his God. Christ himself was born as a consequence of God’s decision to make Mary fruitful and to make many other ancestors fruitful, including Eve, whom he married to Adam. It is a risk for men and women to be so open.

All Our Preparation

What was God up to before the first Christmas? What was he busy doing before the birth of Jesus? He was making things ready....

My 9-Year-Old Taught Me to Play Catan

I’ve been playing board games since I was a toddler. But I’m embarrassed to say that while I’m in my mid-40s, and am almost...

The Smokehouse Creek Fire and God

Last year, Canadian wildfires were in the news. This year the fires blaze in Texas. As I write, the Smokehouse Creek Fire blazes still....

Common Prayer in America’s Religious Free-Market

By David Ney Contrary to popular opinion, America was not founded by Puritans. It was founded by many religious groups, including Anglicans. Indeed, the Church...

Religious Parenting: Is There A Meaningful Difference?

By David Ney Noted American sociologist Christian Smith teamed up with two of his doctoral students, Bridget Ritz and Michael Rotolo, to investigate how American...

The Arte and Crafte of Dying Well

By David Ney There is ... a time to be born and a time to die. — Ecclesiastes 3:1 The last chapter of George Marsden’s award-winning...

For God So Loved the World

By David Ney For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish...


By David Ney I moved with my family from the Dominion of Canada to the United States of America in 2017. I can recollect being asked...

Passing Through the Waters

This is the fourth and final part of a series. Part one, part two, part three. By David Ney When you pass through the waters, I...