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Dane Boston

The Very Rev. Dane Boston is the Dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Columbia, SC.

Proclaiming the Gospel to Little Children: 8 Tips

Pitching the right message in a way that will keep them riveted week after week — it’s a tall order to reach some short people.

‘And is it true?’

The Feast of the Nativity — the Church’s celebration of the mystery of the Incarnation — cannot be merely an extension of the good things of “the holiday season” as the secular world keeps it. Christ’s birth cuts at an angle to all the kingdom of this world: all of our bad things, and all of our good things — all of our sad things, and all of our happy things.

Bringing out our Sunday best

When Sunday preaching proclaims the Sunday message, it is the final piece of a grand puzzle finally clicking into place.

United by Baptism

Victor Atta-Baffoe, Bishop of Cape Coast, Ghana, preaches at Yale Divinity School.