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Craig Uffman

The gospel ain’t about you

The gospel is the proclamation that “the crucified and risen Jesus is the Messiah of Israel and therefore the Lord of the world.” And the time is ripe for a preaching ministry that reflects this gospel and equips the saints for the holy life which is our spiritual worship.

Apple, TEC announce joint venture

The new partnership aims to redefine the way Christian discipleship is done, address intractable demographic trends in the Episcopal Church, and catalyze technology-led ecclesial change.

An open letter to twenty-somethings

The clock ticks, and we name each tick a curse rather than thanking God for the gift of time. But that's not seeing the world as it is revealed by Jesus the Messiah.

On BBQ and other mysteries

What constitutes a valid BBQ? And do our cookbooks shape or reflect our knowledge of the real thing?

Worship, law, and “my personal Jesus”

The idea of a personal relationship with Jesus that lacks the experience of grace as command is just plain silly. Like sex without committed fellowship under God, it ain't the real thing.

The ecclesial ethics of moving furniture

Moving the furniture one inch per year is not simply folk wisdom. It's sound theology.

Why is the rich man in Hell?

Ignore the poor at your gates with caution.

On being ‘spiritual, not religious’

There is indeed a waiting that is a listening, yet the path to spiritual flourishing proceeds upward.

My weekend as a detective

Expect bad karma when you steal from a priest.

A response to Ephraim Radner

Arguing about the rightness of same-sex marriage distracts us from our theological task, and is the least fruitful way to cultivate the virtue of Christian community.