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Calvin Lane

The Rev. Calvin Lane, PhD is the editor of Covenant: The Online Journal of The Living Church. He is the author of two books on the reformation era and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 2013 . Ordained in 2011, Dr. Lane currently serves as associate rector of St. George's Episcopal Church, Dayton Ohio. He has also taught for various seminaries and colleges, including serving as Affiliate Professor at Nashotah House.

On Spiritual Amphibians

“You’re making that up,” I said. No, my wife responded, “I do know a family who changed churches primarily because of pew cushions.” When...

Covenant Classics: Ave, Maria

Today is the feast of Saint Mary the Virgin, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether we celebrate this day her assumption into heaven,...

With the Grain of the Prayer Book

In early February 1685, King Charles II fell ill and clergy across the country, perhaps somewhat strangely, began to pray the prayer book service...

Give Us the Data

Do you know what percent of parishes in your diocese have, on average, more than 100 people at Sunday worship? Do you know how...

Is the Eucharistic Prayer Theatre?

"You don’t look out at the audience much,” a member of my congregation told me once. I was baffled and asked him to repeat...

A Stewardship Lesson from an Unlikely Source

As a “geriatric millennial”/last of Gen X, I was unusual in the 1980s and 1990s for never getting into video games. Yes, of course...

The Episcopate in Anglican History: Received in Humility Yet Exercised with Responsibility

At its General Synod this year the Anglican Church of Canada will consider a Constitutional change that would diminish the role of its House of...

Equating ‘Church’ With ‘Worship’

By Calvin Lane  Language matters. It shapes our perceptions and priorities, and (we hope) reflects objective truth. No, I’m not talking about pronouns or identities,...

Crypto, FTX, and the Myth of Progress

By Calvin Lane Don’t miss out, a Super Bowl commercial featuring Larry David told us, because you don’t want to stand in the way of...

A Tale of Two Sermons

By Calvin Lane For Martin Luther, preaching the “word” meant a living message. “It is a wonderful thing,” Luther wrote, “that the mouth of every...