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Christopher Holmes

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Holmes is professor of Systematic Theology in the Theology Programme at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand.

My Life as a Generalist

I turn 50 later this year. As you can imagine, this particular birthday is occasioning reflection on many things, especially my vocation as a...

The Necessity of Purity for Reading Holy Scripture

I am on research leave this semester. The best thing about research leave is time to read. Recently I reread Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine. I...

The Divine Authorship of Scripture

"Now because the literal sense is that which the author intends, and the author of holy Scripture is God who comprehends everything all at...

My Life as a Bible Teacher

I am a systematic theologian by training, disposition, and vocation. I am grateful for this call, difficult and daunting though it is. What has surprised...