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Chase Benefiel

Chase Benefiel is a Guest Writer. He serves on the ministry staff of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Murfreesboro, TN and is a graduate of Duke University Divinity School.

The Darkness Hideth Not From Thee

Darkness occupies a complicated place in scripture. Believers even wait for it. The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give light, the powers will be shaken, but somewhere within the chaos lies our redemption.

Old and New

Daily Devotional • September 21 St. Matthew the Evangelist 44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and...


Daily Devotional • September 20 A Reading from Esther 1:1-4, 10-19 1 This happened in the days of Ahasuerus, the same Ahasuerus who ruled over one...

Seeking Wisdom

Daily Devotional • September 19 A Reading from Job 28:1-28 1 “Surely there is a mine for silver     and a place for gold to be refined. 2 Iron...

Anchor of Hope

Daily Devotional • September 18 Psalm 119: 73 Your hands have made and fashioned me;     give me understanding that I may learn your commandments. 74 Those who fear...

For God Alone

Daily Devotional • September 17 Psalm 62 1 For God alone my soul waits in silence;     from him comes my salvation. 2 He alone is my rock and...

Lord, Have Mercy

Daily Devotional • September 16 Psalm 56 1 Be gracious to me, O God, for people trample on me;     all day long foes oppress me; 2...

Out of the Whirlwind

Daily Devotional • September 15 A Reading from Job 38:1, 18-41 1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind: Have you comprehended the expanse of...

Our Great Inheritance

We are those who serve God and our neighbor because the Great High Priest was substituted for us.

Remembering Our Creator

Daily Devotional • June 14 A Reading from Matthew 16:21-28 21 From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to...