Having much appreciated Jane Clark Scharl’s brilliant criticism on topics from Milton to Flannery O’Connor, I had very high expectations for her two recently...
Christopher Webster’s presentation of important Classical achievements such as St. Chad’s Church, Shrewsbury (George Steuart, 1790-92) is novel and enlightening.
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Two films about the 2015 Coptic martyrs in Libya are raising funds:...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Frank La Rocca’s Requiem for the Forgotten “stirs the soul” (Classical Music...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Fugue State Films is raising money for Lighten Our Darkness, a film...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Compared to the music of Haydn and Mozart, that of Dieterich Buxtehude...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Contemporary Art
Mark K. Spencer reviews Beautiful Ugliness: Christianity, Modernity, and the Arts...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Pending lectures include, on February 8 in London, “Balthazar: The Third Man...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Art and Architecture
Is art a secular invention? Matthew Milliner tests the theory...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Art History
In Washington, D.C., the Catholic Art Institute will host a Christmas...