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Barbara White

Barbara White serves as Associate Rector for Worship, Formation, and Communications at St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

Loving the Bible, Part 2: Teaching Others to Love Scripture

Editor’s Note: This is the second of two essays on loving scripture. The first is here. Because I did not receive good biblical formation as...

Loving the Bible, Part 1: Learning to Love Scripture

If I may paraphrase Mark Twain: Suppose you grew up in a mainline Protestant church in the United States near the close of the...

Kids Don’t Get Anything Out of Church

And You Don’t Have to Either I have had the privilege of worshiping and serving in several churches that are truly multigenerational. In each parish, the...

Christmas With Our Mother

Last Christmas I was 10 days postpartum with my first child. Most of my memories of that time are lost in a sleep-deprived blur,...

Quality of Love

When I became pregnant, I learned that veteran parents talk to parents-to-be almost exclusively in clichés: “Sleep while you can”; “Your life is about...