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Anthony Baker

Dr. Anthony D. Baker is Clinton S. Quin Professor of Systematic Theology at Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, Texas.

The Next Two Theologies

In the summer of 2020, while city streets around the world were flooded with Black Lives Matter demonstrations, British theologian John Milbank offered a...

Dying in Christ: Salvation and Eschatology in Bulgakov’s Works

“But along with this there was another thought … that constituted for me a genuine spiritual event, which will forever remain for me a...

Review: The Burning Bush

The Burning Bush On the Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God By Sergius Bulgakov Trans. Thomas Allan Smith Eerdmans, pp. xxiv+191 $28 The Burning Bush, completed in Prague...

Beauty and the World’s Salvation

The Heart of Reality: Essays on Beauty, Love, and Ethics By Vladimir Sergeyevich Soloviev Edited and translated by Vladimir Woznuik University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 264, $35.00. Russian...

Fathers, Children, and Gifts: A Brief Reflection on the Name of the First Person of the Trinity

Expansive language presses against the limits of the worst habits of our theological imaginations, especially, for instance, assuming we know what a word like “father” means.

Tuning in Theology

By Anthony D. Baker What if the crowded dinner table were as suitable an icon of theological scholarship as the cloistered desk?

Sweaty gifts

Or, “What’s in it for me?” is not such a bad question

Holiness in Holy Week

Sanctification is about finding ourselves within Christ's pilgrimage to the cross.

The work of a preposition

Our daily work has a place to live, and that place is nested within God's own labor.

Contraception and controversy

Cross-posted from my blog at Seminary of the Southwest The debate that has raged through the first weeks of this year over contraception has got...