Spoilers for Netflix’s Ripley and the Book of Job
The liberal arts seem neverendingly threatened, most recently at small and mid-sized Christian universities in the...
In his Christmas message from 1942, the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, contrasts Augustus’ empire — “it had been won by force and rested...
This article contains spoilers if you haven’t seen Dead Poets Society.
In a distinctly sad moment in Dead Poets Society (1989), Peter Weir’s film about...
By Neil Dhingra
If Christians are called to unity (John 17:21), presumably churches should be able to learn from one another. Can churches learn from...
Ruth 3:1–4:18
By Neil Dhingra
Ruth, the Moabite,
widowed, bereaved,
loyal and faithful to
mother-in-law from Israel.
— Graham Kings, “Ruth”
In a recent lecture on friendship, Alasdair MacIntyre says it...
By Neil Dhingra
Frances Joseph-Gaudet’s 1913 memoir, He Leadeth Me, begins by telling the reader that the future missionary, prison reformer, school founder, and Episcopal...