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Search results for: Episcopal Relief & Development disaster

An Episcopus Vagans Who Never Stopped Wandering

...by schismatic denominations to this day was the Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Fond du Lac’s first bishop, John Henry Hobart Brown, had tried his best to attract...

Opening Our Eyes

...children. â™± Daily Devotional Cycle of Prayer Today we pray for: St. John’s Episcopal Church, Corsicana, Texas The Diocese of Lui – Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan...

Water and Wilderness Church Combines Nature and Worship

There’s a perennial question at church meetings: What should we do to draw people to church? An Episcopal priest believes he has found one way. “Meet people where they are,...

God-Given Drink

...Wheaton, Illinois, with his wife Sarah and their seven children. â™± Daily Devotional Cycle of Prayer Today we pray for: The Anglican Church of Australia Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Dallas...

The Household of Faith

...seven children. â™± Daily Devotional Cycle of Prayer Today we pray for: The Diocese of Luapula – The Church of the Province of Central Africa The Episcopal Church in Wyoming...

USAID Shutdown an Opportunity, Kenyan Primate Says

The Archbishop of Kenya sees some hope in President Donald Trump’s move to shut down the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). “I partially thank Trump for the disruption,”...

Church Leaders Respond to Deportation Threats

...grants. Rowe told Episcopal News Service that “an end of federal funding for Episcopal Migration Ministries does not mean an end to The Episcopal Church’s commitment to stand with migrants...

Bishop William Cox Dies at 103

...communion” of the Episcopal Church. Cox grew up in Kentucky and southern Ohio, and served the U.S. Army in supply and logistics during World War II and the Korean War....

Seeking Eternity

...Sarah and their seven children. â™± Daily Devotional Cycle of Prayer Today we pray for: The Diocese of Western Louisiana – The Episcopal Church St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Huntsville, Alabama...

On Politics, Pulpits, and Presidents

...Bishop Budde’s sermon, there have been several examples. I have been troubled by the cessation of funding for refugee resettlement agencies like Episcopal Migration Ministries. These refugees are people who...


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