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Daily Archives: Jul 11, 2012

Newly strained bonds of affection?

“They’re losing 1,000 members a week,” David Hein says. “The Episcopal Church has now positioned itself way out there on the edge with the United Church of Christ, which is extremely liberal and also losing members.”

TLC at GC, July 11

From Indianapolis: The Living Church, General Convention edition

Bishops issue dissent

“The liturgy ‘The Witnessing and Blessing of a Lifelong Covenant’ is for all practical purposes same-sex marriage.”

Hanging on

Inclusion means more than a minimal tolerance for those deemed intolerably unenlightened. Inclusion means encouragement, it means refusing to erect barriers to growth and survival.

Rite Sails through Deputies

By Matt Townsend The House of Deputies adopted Resolution A049 July 10 authorizing the provisional use of a blessing liturgy for same-sex couples.

Bishops: Covenant can wait

By Joe Thoma. The House of Bishops concurred with the House of Deputies July 10 to “decline to take a position on the Anglican Covenant,” but affirmed participation in the wider Anglican Communion.


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